The Council are seeking your views on the proposed highway and public realm improvements in Manor Road and Argyle Road, West Ealing, associated with the delivery of a new Crossrail Station.
Crossrail will deliver significant improvements to public transport provision in London and will result in a rise in passenger numbers at West Ealing. In order to safely and efficiently accommodate this expansion, a new station is being provided as well as various improvements to the site and its surroundings.
The Council state that “These proposals are designed to make the area immediately around the station a safe and pleasant place both for travellers and local residents. A raised carriageway in Manor Road will highlight the station en- trance, provide easier pedestrian access and slow traffic. Some parking will be removed to smooth traffic flow but dedicated spaces will be provided for Pick-up and Drop-off. New trees, low-level planting and additional lighting will be introduced and CCTV coverage of the area will be improved.”
The consultation for the West Ealing CCM started on the 5th February and runs until the 26th February.
You can respond to the consultation via the Council website at