Did you know 5,000 coffee cups are thrown away every minute in the UK, with less than 1% of them being recycled? The BID recycling provider, First Mile are proud to introduce our new coffee cup recycling stream to help more coffee cups be recycled. There is even a solution for coffee grounds too.
Coffee cup recycling
Coffee cups are hard to recycle due to their mix of plastic and cardboard. With the First Mile service, waste cups are taken to a specialist facility that’s able to separate the plastic from the paper, allowing the coffee cups to be recycled into stationery items or paper bags.
As with all the First Mile sacks, the coffee cup recycling sack is made from recycled plastic in the UK. Each sack holds 5kg of cups (roughly 300) and they are sold in rolls of 25. When you have three full sacks one of the First Mile drivers will collect from inside the business the next working day.
Coffee ground recycling
First Mile have teamed up with Bio-bean to help recycle your waste coffee grounds into fuel to help power London.
The coffee is taken to the bio-bean facility where it passes through an array of machinery to remove contamination and lower moisture content. The grounds are then recycled into biofuels such as biomass pellets which are used to heat buildings.
Biofuels are a great carbon neutral alternative to conventional fuels. Converting waste coffee into biofuel stops the waste ending up on landfill sites.
Both the coffee cup and coffee ground recycling sacks are available to you and your members at a discounted rate. To get started with the either of these services, just give us a call First Mile to order the sacks. All orders are delivered the next working day.