Green Man Lane’s regeneration is being delivered in four phases over a nine-year period with a programme of phased decant, demolition and construction undertaken ensuring the majority of residents can remain within their neighbourhood throughout the redevelopment process:
Phase 1: The demolition of the existing six-storey pre-stressed concrete car park and the construction of 176 houses and apartments for affordable rent, shared ownership and private sale. Completed 2014.
Phase 2a: Comprising a row of 14 properties, these were the first homes to be completed in 2012 for existing Green Man Lane residents, who moved from their old apartments.
Phase 2: Due for completion in 2017, 187 new homes are currently under construction with 126 for private sale and 61 affordable homes, including over 20 homes for wheelchair users.
Phase 3-4: Construction work on Phase 3 is expected to start in 2016 with project completion anticipated for 2022.
In-depth consultation with residents, neighbours and local stakeholders remains an important commitment throughout the project and continues in the delivery phases.
Would you like to see the development for phase 3 and communicate your comments.. Join Ealing Council, A2 Dominion and Rydon developers at GML Community Centre on Wednesday 15 June 2016 at 3pm – 7pm.